The Show’s prestigious Apple Juice competition previously judged at the October show, was judged in February. This year the 2016 competition received 54 entries from 17 producers. Robert Oliver, Marden Fruit Show Society, former Vice-Chairman, has been organising the Apple Juice Competition and then running it for over 25 years. He was originally a steward for the Amos husband and wife team who started the competition in the 1980’s, before taking over the reins in 1992.
He said, “This was a very good year with new entrants from around the country. First time entrant, David Roberts from Cheshire showed everyone else how it should be done with Best in show as well as a first and second in class 40 and a first in class 41”.
The date change from October to February allowing producers to stop special Fruit Show pressings and enter off the shelf juices has encouraged 10 new entrants this year. There were some brilliant flavour combinations in Class 42; elderflower and raspberry as well as apple and beetroot, blackcurrant, blueberry, parsnip, blackberry, strawberry and a comice pear combined with Conference.
The overall winner of Class 42 was the unusual apple and parsnip combination which Judges found “delicious” gaining 57 points from a total of 75. The winning juice was produced by G & G Sinclair based in South Queensferry, Scotland and run by former Kent Farm Manager, Simon Foad. Class 40 and Class 41 was won by David Roberts, Duddon Mill in Cheshire with some truly outstanding juices. The prizes for this year’s Apple Juice competition winners will be awarded at the main prize giving on Thursday 20th October at noon.