Hadlow College maintain exceptionally high standards with their Apprenticeship Programmes and have proved that the Fruit Industry has benefitted greatly from quality candidates.
FDQ CEO Derek Williams has caused consternation in the educational press this week with a statement saying that the model for food and drink apprenticeships is broken, something utterly refuted by Hadlow College. Hope West, Work Based Learning Delivery Manager for Hadlow College knows that it couldn’t be further from the truth ‘the delivery of bespoke apprenticeships programmes in Brewing, Food Industry Skills, Manufacturing is growing across the County’, she states. ‘funding is carefully managed for all aspects of education; there are criteria that you must meet, a standard that a provider must attain and if you are delivering a quality programme, which our employers agree that we are, then funding is good for this sector’.
With learner numbers up year on year, with attainment rising, the conversion rate from an apprenticeship role into a full time position increasing there is good evidence that a high quality provider, such as Hadlow College, would be a safe pair of hands for your apprentices.
Mark Lumsdon-Taylor concluded “The Hadlow group offers one of the largest range of apprenticeship offers in the UK. In particular, its bespoke service is transforming the high level skills for people building success careers in the fruit sector, and importantly remaining in the sector and adding greater economic value”