The James Nichols Lecture 2023

The James Nichols Lecture 2023

At this year’s AGM, (Wednesday 19th April, from 9am at the NIAB Green Tech Hub), The James Nichols Lecture will be given by Emily Norton. The title of Emily’s Lecture is “Making sense of the agricultural transition: highlights, lowlights and what’s needed next”.

Emily is Head of Rural Research at Savills. She qualified as a lawyer in London before returning to her farming roots via a MSc in Sustainable Agriculture at Harper Adams. She has undertaken various roles in food and farming, including local food organisations and working in Brussels for an MEP on agricultural and environmental policy matters. She joined Savills in 2018 and leads a team of 10 rural researchers dedicated to providing market leading insight and advice on farming, climate and sustainability issues. Emily works with private, charitable and institutional clients to develop communication and investment strategies across the land-based sector. This includes responses to the new Agriculture and Environment Acts in England, and emerging Natural Capital opportunities across the country. Emily was a member of the 2022 Defra Tenancy Working Group under Baroness Rock. She is a Nuffield Scholar, sits on the CLA’s national policy committee and she was Chair of the Oxford Farming Conference 2023. She lives on a farm in Norfolk with her family.

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